Muse wearables is product segment of Conzumex Pvt Ltd. It offers various wearable products such as Hybrid smart watches, NFC watch, Muse Cue Health band, etc.
NodeJS, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, ExpressJS, MongooseJS, SequelizeJS, Rancher, AWS/EC2, AWS/S3, AWS/RDS.
Dobby is an advertising startup. It installs LCD screens in supermarkets and displays monetized adverisements of adveritsers based on their purchased subscriptions. Dobby also displays it's own ads and that of shop owners.
NodeJS, PostgreSQL, ExpressJS, SequelizeJS, Nginx, AWS/EC2, AWS/S3, AWS/RDS.
E-Commerce site
It's an E-commerce web-app with login & payment options. It's built using ReactJS, Redux, Redux-Sagas.
NodeJS, ReactJS, Firebase, Stripe payments, Redux, Redux-Sagas, ExpressJS, etc.
The Chat Bot
It's a Facebook messenger integrated AI Bot which is trained for automizing the interview process. However it can be trained for any other purposes too.
NodeJS, DialogFlow, Facebook Messenger App, MongoDB, EJS, ExpressJS, MongooseJS and Semantic UI.
It's a web-app which has more than 1,000,000 recipes.
NodeJS,Express, ES6.
It's a chatroom web app, where users can join/create different rooms and chat on common subjects.
NodeJS, Socket.IO, ReactJS, ReactHooks, MaterialUI.
It's social-app in which user can share their camping experiences by posting it and can view others camping review of different places.Can also comment on others posts.
NodeJS, MongoDB, EJS, ExpressJS, MongooseJS, PassportJS and Semantic UI.
Student Section
It's my final year project, our team created a web app which is used by our college for abolishing and digitalizing their paper work.
NodeJS, MongoDB, EJS, ExpressJS, MongooseJS and Semantic UI.
It's a web-app in which one can search a movie and see it's details like imdb ratings, director, cast, runtime, writer, awards, plot, etc.
NodeJS, EJS, ExpressJS and Semantic UI.
The DiceGame
It's dice game created for two players, it's a frontend game created using ES6 and CSS3.
NodeJS, ES6, ExpressJS, HTML5, CSS3.
The GitHub Card
It's a GitHub-Card which can be used by anyone in their own website.Though it's currently under construction, I'm making it more dynamic and easy to use and embedable code.
NodeJS, EJS, ExpressJS and Semantic UI.
Todo App
It's web-app for todo list.
NodeJS, MongoDB, SemanticUI, Javascript, PassportJS.
The BookMarker
It's web app to bookmark your favorite site.
HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap.